"Ci sono 3 cose che ogni persona dovrebbe fare nella propria vita: piantare un albero, avere un figlio e scrivere un libro." (Jose Marti, poeta e scrittore)
Il meraviglioso Paese di Oz
le nuove avventure dello
e del Boscaiolo di Latta
e anche le strane vicende
dello Scarabeo Molto Ingrandito,
di Jack Testa di Zucca,
del Cavalletto animato
e del Gump;
la storia è
il seguito de “Il Mago di Oz”
di L. Frank Baum
illustrato da
John R. Neill

tradotto da
Monica Guido

Libro Bianco & Nero
Formato 14,8 x 21 (A5)
Copertina Morbida
Pagine 246
Editore Boopen
ISBN 978-88-6223-177-0

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martedì 7 aprile 2009

The Wonderland of Oz - Walter Spouse

The Land of Oz

A Graphic Novel by WALT SPOUSE

Based on The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum

First published in 1932, this superb comics adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s The Marvelous Land of Oz is collected in a new graphic novel format for the first time! Newly scripted by award-winning Oz cartoonist Eric Shanower

Artist Walt Spouse draws every wonderful moment from this Baum favorite, featuring Jack Pumpkinhead, the Woggle-Bug, General Jinjur, and the amazing Gump!

This volume also includes samples from Spouse's original newspaper syndication of this comic strip, plus samples of the 1930s reprints from THE FUNNIES and Hi-SPOT Comics.

Ozma of Oz

A Graphic Novel by WALT SPOUSE

Based on Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum

First published in 1933, this superb comics adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s Ozma of Oz is collected in a new graphic novel format for the first time! Newly scripted by award-winning Oz cartoonist Eric Shanower

Artist Walt Spouse draws every wonderful moment from this Baum favorite, featuring the return of Dorothy Gale, the introduction of Billina the Yellow Hen, and Tik-Tok the Mechanical Man!

This volume also includes sample pages from Spouse's original newspaper syndication of this comic strip and a rare example of the Cuban Spanish language edition of The Wonderland of Oz.

The Emerald City of Oz

A Graphic Novel by WALT SPOUSE

Based on The Emerald City of Oz by L. Frank Baum

First published in 1933, this superb comics adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s The Emerald City of Oz is collected in a new graphic novel format for the first time! Newly scripted by award-winning Oz cartoonist Eric Shanower

Artist Walt Spouse draws every wonderful moment from this Baum favorite! See King Oz drink from the Forbidden Fountain! See Aunt Em stare down the Cowardly Lion! See Toto sing an aria from The Barber of Seville!

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