"Ci sono 3 cose che ogni persona dovrebbe fare nella propria vita: piantare un albero, avere un figlio e scrivere un libro." (Jose Marti, poeta e scrittore)
Il meraviglioso Paese di Oz
le nuove avventure dello
e del Boscaiolo di Latta
e anche le strane vicende
dello Scarabeo Molto Ingrandito,
di Jack Testa di Zucca,
del Cavalletto animato
e del Gump;
la storia è
il seguito de “Il Mago di Oz”
di L. Frank Baum
illustrato da
John R. Neill

tradotto da
Monica Guido

Libro Bianco & Nero
Formato 14,8 x 21 (A5)
Copertina Morbida
Pagine 246
Editore Boopen
ISBN 978-88-6223-177-0

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mercoledì 8 aprile 2009

The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles

The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles takes Dorothy and Alice (now college students) on an adventure, back into the realms of their childhood. Even though Dorothy spent time in Oz, she has forgotten about it. Alice attributes hers to daydreaming, or childhood dreams. But what neither of them realizes is that Oz and Wonderland, and the creatures that inhabit those lands, are real. The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles is set in modern day Chicago, it will be a blend of the 3 worlds as Dorothy and Alice set out to find the cause of the disruption. Somehow, creatures from OZ and Wonderland are finding there way into downtown Chicago.

The Oz Wonderland Chronicle Preview sets up the story by introducing you to characters you might not be familiar with, and reintroducing you to the characters you may already know. The preview issue also gives you a look at some of the sequential art and the script for the #0 issue.

The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles #0B The Wicked Witch puts her plans in motion, as the Gnome King makes his way to Wonderland. Jack Pumkinhead is sent from the Oz Resistance to stop the Gnome King, but he may be too late. Meanwhile Alice (from Wonderland) and her roommates have no idea their lives are about to changed forever.

THE OZ/WONDERLAND CHRONICLES #1 Alice and Dorothy must leave their modern Chicago lives to return to their childhood fantasy lands, as a danger from Wonderland threatens to destroy everything. But upon returning to Oz, Dorothy and Alice only find death and destruction compliments of the (new?) Wicked Witch! Come with them as they meet old friends — Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Tik Tok, the Cheshire Cat, Humpty Dumpty, and more.

As the Jabberwocky leaves a trail of destruction across Wonderland, Dorothy and Alice lead a resistance army against the Wicked Witch in the land of Oz. Meanwhile, the Wizard, still in Chicago, searches to locate and close the breaches between the realities.

THE OZ/WONDERLAND CHRONICLES #3 Alice and Dorothy face off against the New Wicked Witch. But, even if they survive, they must find a way to Wonderland to stop the unstoppable — The Jabberwocky! The beast is making it’s way to Oz, but first it has to go through the middle realm — Earth! Available with covers from Joe Jusko and Glen Orbik.

The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles: Jack & Cat Special
Ten months after the events of The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles #4 (yes, we know that #3 isn't even out yet), Jack Pumpkinhead and the Cheshire Cat, along with their new friend May, are being chased by someone or something hunting creatures from Oz and Wonderland here on Earth! Plus, a story by Craig Rousseau (Image's Perhapanauts) and a back-up story by Casey Heying.

The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles: Jack & Cat Tales #1A Jack Pumpkinhead and Cheshire Cat came to our world to see how wonderful and mad it really was. Instead, they must rescue the White Knight from a secret society bent on "removing" otherworldly creatures! Also features back-up stories that reunite writer Ben Avery with artists Mike Miller (Hedge Knight) and Hector Sevilla (Lullaby). Covers by Casey Heying and Caesar Antomattei.

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