"Ci sono 3 cose che ogni persona dovrebbe fare nella propria vita: piantare un albero, avere un figlio e scrivere un libro." (Jose Marti, poeta e scrittore)
Il meraviglioso Paese di Oz
le nuove avventure dello
e del Boscaiolo di Latta
e anche le strane vicende
dello Scarabeo Molto Ingrandito,
di Jack Testa di Zucca,
del Cavalletto animato
e del Gump;
la storia è
il seguito de “Il Mago di Oz”
di L. Frank Baum
illustrato da
John R. Neill

tradotto da
Monica Guido

Libro Bianco & Nero
Formato 14,8 x 21 (A5)
Copertina Morbida
Pagine 246
Editore Boopen
ISBN 978-88-6223-177-0

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martedì 7 aprile 2009

There's No Place - Scott Oliver - Corey Bechelli

Think twisters never touch down in the Wonderful Land of Oz? Well, think again, my pretty! In Oz, long after Dorothy and the Wizard have fled, Emerald City is ruins and The Scarecrow has disappeared. Or has he? Follow the trio we all know and love, but this time The Tinman and The Courageous Lion must battle their insanely genius "friend", The Scarecrow, before he and his wild-eyed antics destroy the lovely land of Oz. Watch as the yellow brick road stains red and see that "There is no Place..." No place indeed.

There's No Place is a three issue, black and white mini comic series. Issues one and two are currently available, while issue three is still in production.
Think twisters never touch down in the Wonderful Land of Oz? Well, think again, my pretty! In Oz, long after Dorothy and the Wizard have fled, Emerald City is ruins and The Scarecrow has disappeared. Or has he? Follow the trio we all know and love, but this time The Tinman and The Courageous Lion must battle their insanely genius "friend", The Scarecrow, before he and his wild-eyed antics destroy the lovely land of Oz. Watch as the yellow brick road stains red and see that "There is no Place..." No place indeed.

There's No Place is a three issue, black and white mini comic series. Issues one and two are currently available, while issue three is still in production.

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