"Ci sono 3 cose che ogni persona dovrebbe fare nella propria vita: piantare un albero, avere un figlio e scrivere un libro." (Jose Marti, poeta e scrittore)
Il meraviglioso Paese di Oz
le nuove avventure dello
e del Boscaiolo di Latta
e anche le strane vicende
dello Scarabeo Molto Ingrandito,
di Jack Testa di Zucca,
del Cavalletto animato
e del Gump;
la storia è
il seguito de “Il Mago di Oz”
di L. Frank Baum
illustrato da
John R. Neill

tradotto da
Monica Guido

Libro Bianco & Nero
Formato 14,8 x 21 (A5)
Copertina Morbida
Pagine 246
Editore Boopen
ISBN 978-88-6223-177-0

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martedì 7 aprile 2009

The Visitors from Oz - L. Frank Baum

Look inside

Written by L. Frank Baum

Illustrated by Eric Shanower

This brand new publication from Hungry Tiger Press includes all 27 episodes of Baum's 1904 "Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz" short stories plus the complete, unedited text of Baum's 1905 The Wogglebug Book. All illustrated by Eric Shanower!

This beautiful hardcover Collector's Edition contains an additional twenty pages of material including Baum's original 1904 "publicity" articles, an informative afterword by David Maxine, and much more!

The 1961 Visitors from Oz picture book by Dick Martin contained heavily rewritten versions of only half of Baum's 1904 originals! The stories were next collected in the 1986 volume The Third Book of Oz, but that volume contained a heavily edited version of The Woggle Bug Book and altered versions of some of the Visitors stories. This new edition is the absolute FIRST to include ALL of Baum's original unexpurgated text -- and the first ever to be presented in traditional Oz book format! This is the first edition, too, that includes ALL of Eric Shanower's illustrations for these stories! The two previous editions of The Third Book of Oz each contained drawings not included in the other. And Eric Shanower has drawn a number of NEW illustrations just for this definitive edition!

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